This video series was made for online marketers who want to close deals with offline businesses. It is not about trying to provide SEO services to offline businesses.
This step by step, 7 part video series takes you by the hand and shows you how to close deals without selling.
Sound interesting? Then you will want to pay close attention.
Here’s a list of this 7 part video series in more detail
Video #1 – Introduction to Creating Responsive Offline Deals
In this video, you will be given a quick overview of the video course as a whole; what tools you will need, how it all works, and much more. Having an idea of what we’ll be discussing in detail and how each video contributes to this video course will enable you to implement this system effectively to start.
Video #2 – Know the objections and complaints beforehand
Do you know what the biggest objections are that companies have about online marketing services? If you’re not sure and you start trying to close deals, you will be shot down left and right. By knowing what these are and how to respond to them, you will be able to stand out. Another tip of advice is to avoid doing what everyone else is doing.
Video #3 – Start with conversions, then traffic
Most offline businesses just want results. Most marketers think companies care about the latest and greatest backlink methods. They don’t care about the fancy traffic tricks, backlinks, seo, and more. Many businesses are lacking in the area of conversions and that is why their business isn’t doing as well.
In this specific video, you will learn how to analyze a business and see if their systems that are in place are converting. If they aren’t then no matter how much traffic you throw at them, it simply will not convert and you will have a short term, angry client on your hands.
Video #4 – Where to find potential responsive companies
Would you like to know how to spot potential business clients who will be responsive to your offline offer?
There are a few ways to spot one amidst the other businesses that are not as responsive. Helping these types of companies will land a “yes” easier because they are looking for help. The key is to find these companies, figure out what they are doing, and help them to improve what they are doing. You’ll learn a lot more about this topic in this video.
Video #5 – Getting your foot in the door
After you watch video 4 and you have spotted a potentially responsive client, then what? In this video you will learn what to do after you find them. In other words, you’ll learn how to get your foot in the door, gain their trust, and begin the process of building a business relationship with them. You’ll learn a lot more than just what is in this video.
Video #6 – Outsourcing your conversions materials, ads, etc.
It takes some work to get your foot in the door. How would you like to outsource the process of this so that you can help even more businesses? In this video you will learn how to outsource your conversions materials, your ads, and much more. If you want to expand your business you need to learn how to outsource and not do everything yourself. Doing everything yourself simply limits the growth of your offline marketing company.
Video #7 – Avoid positioning yourself as a cheap service
A lot of people will tell you to give away free stuff and free gifts to prospective clients. But the question is, how do you avoid positioning yourself as a cheap service? Unfortunately, there is a fine line between giving away free stuff to the point where you lower the perceived value of your service. I made the mistakes so that you don’t have to.
I positioned myself as a cheap service for a company, to the point where he thought he was doing me a favor by paying me $15 per hour. Often this can happen when people see your free services as a sign of desperation. However, there is a fine line. In this video you will learn how to avoid this.
Reseller Tools:
- Includes Sales Page – Yes
- Includes Download Page – Yes
- Other Included Pages – None
- Notable Reseller Extras – PSD Graphics (source), Promo Video
Distribution Rights
- Resale Rights – Yes
- Master Resale Rights – No
- Private Label Rights (PLR) – Yes (non-transferrable)
- Giveaway Rights – No
- Offered as a Bonus – Yes
- Full Product Copyrights – No
- Full Graphic Copyrights – No
- May Modify Videos – Yes
- Packaged with Other Products – Yes
- Added to Paid Membership Websites – Yes
- Added to Free Membership Websites – No
- May Publish Offline – Yes
- May Sell on Auction Websites – No